South Korean rival Samsung Electronics (SSNLF) is called Apple's rival as its products have a high share of the global market. Thanks to the success of the electronics business and technology sectors, it ranked seventh in the world's most valuable brands.
Sam-sung is a popular brand, but U.S. investors find it difficult to secure shares. It is the best way to get to know the latest trends in Samsung and its investment in Samsung.
It has long been news that Samsung Group's foldable smartphones will soon become a reality. The hybrid product, dubbed "smartphone, " will be a 5-inch smartphone with a 7-inch tablet PC. According to a report by South Korean news site ETNews, Samseung is aiming to release Smartlet in 2017. Samsung's patent application documents contain scrollable cornering as well as foldable smartphones.The design of a song's smartphone. However, there is no news about the release or production of other smartphone options.
Smartphone markets can become over-saturated due to being pushed by regular Smartphones. As a result, there is a possibility that new concept products such as smartlets will be re-emerged.
Artificial intelligence
Samsung expects artificial intelligence (AI) to become mainstream soon, and is considering Victor Systems, Reactor Labs, Maluba, Idibon, Automated Insights, and Wi.AI companies such as nston and Expect Labs (recently renamed MindMel) are making investments.
According to CB Insight, Samsung Venture Investment is the world's fourth-largest company (2010-2015) that invested in AI start-ups over the past five years.
Artificial intelligence makes working on smartphones convenient. The rigorously trained mobile phones will serve as huge royalties for customers, said Rhe In Jong, head of research and development software services at Samsung Electronics' mobile phone division.
virtual reality
Virtualization (VR) is another buzzword in the technology industry. Samsung's Gear VR is already available and is equipped with an Ocula to connect to smartphones (Galaxy S7| S7 Edge, Note 5, and S6). It's unsealed with edge.
According to IDC, shipments of Virtual Reality (VR) hardware are expected to jump to $9.6 million in 2016 with Sony, Samsung, HTC and Oculus products expected to generate about $2.3 billion in revenue. The growth rate of VR hardware will grow by 183.8 percent (CAGR20162020) to 64.8 million units by 2020, while that of augmented reality hardware will increase from 400,000 units to 400,000 units.In 2020, 45.6 million units (CAGR20162020) will be sold. Samsung Electronics believes VR will be the future of media contact.
Samsung Pay
Samsung Pay has joined hands with PAY to speed up the introduction of mobile payment services. This cooperation will help to hire more consumers and Machars Makant. Samsung Pay is available now.It will be used in the U.S., South Korea and China, but will be held in Singapore in the second quarter of 2016.
investment method
Samsung Electronics shares are listed as GDRs in London and Luxembourg, not traded on major exchanges such as NASDAQ and NYSE. However, according to the U.S. Securities Exchange Act 144A, the U.S. public is prohibited from investing in GDRs. U.S. investors may:
01 In the Korean stock market, stocks (such as Pierce Finn or Smith) can be purchased directly through local securities firms and banks through proper paperwork.
02 Investors can buy Samsung Electronics shares traded in the U.S.
03 Investors can choose investors who support Samsung with Korean companies through investments in ETFs in Korea.iShares MSCI South Caped ETF (EWY) vs. Samsung Electronics Co. and Ltd. receive great encouragement of 20.64%.
the end of one's speech
Samsung's products are supported in the U.S., but there is no such passion in its own shares, which face a drop in liquidity due to low trading volume in over-the-counter trading. First of all, Samsung Group continues to innovate to keep up with the world's largest techno Goliath.Qualification
The writer has no position on any mentioned stock. Investors should accept this information as an additional measure, not as a practical recommendation.
The views and opinions discussed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of NASDAQ in the author's view.
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